Terror strikes Pakistan’s capital

After the Yemen attack, terrorists strike Islamabad.But this seems to be a massive attack.A suicide bomber with a truck full of explosives nearly one tonne triggered the bomd to explode near the Marriott hotel located at Islamabad in Pakistan.In this blast it’s been said officially that 50 people killed and more 100 were injured.The officials also feared that there may be many trapped inside the hellhole caused by the blast.The Marriott hotel which is a popular hotel in Islamabad have already subjected to two blasts earlier.But this is the most worst one.The place where the truck was detonated was completely wiped off causing a serious damage.Because of the massive blast a crater with 25 ft deep and 35 ft wide has been formed.The fire from the blast engulfed the whole Marroitt and led to complete destruction.The hotel is in such a bad condition that it may collapse at any moment.Army Engineers are working on that and rescuers are doing effective evacuation.Many were injuried and hospitalised.The blast occured after the first address of Pakistan President Zardari to parliament saying that the terrorism should be rooted out.The address took place 100 m away from the blast.There was a Ramazan feast going on the top of the hotel and because of this many were injured.Nations from Worldwide condemned the attack on Pakistan saying that the face of terrorism should be operated soon. Pakistan is being targetted by the Al-Qaeda since they supported US Military after 9/11 attack..It has been announced by Pakistan that this is a coward attack by the terrorists on innocent people.This strike done by terrorists came as a result of US air strike at Pakistan-Afghan border killing many militants.In order to make a strong reply for that air strike , the terrorists made this massive explosion at Islamabad.These people should understand that innocent people are nothing to do with the world of politics and why do the terrorists targetting only the civilians.Terrorism should be uprooted.
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