Korea’s Next Generation Rifle With Laser Targeting And Exploding Rounds

Media appearances by North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il have been scarce over the last few months, perhaps because he has read the reports about South Korea’s new rifles. Key features of the rifle include laser targeting and rounds that can be programed to explode over enemies heads.
Laser Targeting + Optical Calculator
The rifle’s targeting system emits a laser beam that measures the distance between the solider and their target. An optical calculator indicated the target on screen, and the target distance is then ‘written’ to a 20mm explosive munition. When the trigger is pulled the munition round is fired and will explode on 3-4 meters above its target. The rounds are powerful enough to penetrate walls, and the explosion can be delayed until the round is inside a building.
Next Generation Rifle
The new rifles weigh 6.1kg and are 860 mm long. The exploding bullets have an range of 460-500 meters. The rifles have been specifically designed for urban combat, and the Agency for Defense Development, which has the ironic acronym ADD says the rifles will be ready for combat use in 2009. All that laser guided exploding goodness comes at a price though, the rifles have cost around 18.5 billion won (around $180 million USD) to develop, and each individual rifle costs 16 million won (around $12,000 USD). Due to the new rifles high cost each field unit squad will have two of the new rifles.
Although other countries such as the United States have the technology to develop these targeting systems and explosive rounds, Korea will be the first country to introduce the technology into active duty.
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